Economics Major

Chair: Erasmus Kersting, Ph.D.
Associate Chair: Mary Kelly, Ph.D.
Office Location: 2014 Bartley Hall
Telephone: 610-519-4370


Majoring in Economics provides a rigorous curriculum that will prepare you to think critically in almost every enterprise. This program is designed to promote quantitative thinking while fostering written and verbal communication skills so you are equipped to critically examine the effects of economic factors on market participants in the private and public sectors. Because of the growing complexity of the global economy, there is an increase in the demand for individuals who can provide and communicate quantitative analysis of economic variables and their effects on forecasting sales, managing costs, allocating budgets and choosing investment options. Economics graduates find employment in private industry, consulting, think tanks and policy institutes, the public sector, and academia. Economics is also a perfect preparation for Law School.

Major in Economics leads to a degree of Bachelor of Business Administration.

PRIMARY MAJOR (125 credits)

125 credits are required to complete Economics as the primary major and the Bachelor of Business Administration degree. For students seeking the Bachelor of Business Administration, Honors degree and Economics as the primary major, 126 credits are required.

Economics Major Courses (18 Credits)

Economics major requires six (6) unique ECO courses.

Note: Economics major elective courses must be 3000 or above. ECO 3108, ECO 3120, and ECO 3130 do not count toward Economics elective courses.

MAT 4550 (Math of Financial Derivatives) may fulfill one of Economics elective courses.

Plus three (3) Economics elective courses with course number of 3000 or above  +
Sub-Total Credits

Core Curriculum Requirements


Degree Credit Summary

  • Major Course Requirements: 18 Credits
  • Core Curriculum Requirements: 89 Credits
    • Liberal Arts & Sciences Curriculum (44 cr.)
    • Business Core Requirements (45 cr.)
  • Elective Requirements: 18 Credits
  • Total Credits: 125 Credits

Additional Information

  • All Arts and Sciences core courses, business core courses (except VSB 0099 – 0 cr. and VSB 1000 – 1 cr.), major courses, minor courses, and concentration courses must be taken for a letter grade. 
  • One credit courses {except ACC 2020, COM 5300, EGEN 2100 (for Engineering EENT or EESI minor), FIN 2121, VSB 1000, VSB 2000, VSB 2121, and VSB 3000} may not satisfy degree requirements, including free electives. 
    • Three ACC 2020 (1 cr.) on the following topics may satisfy a free elective requirement:
      • Introduction to Forensics for Accountants
      • Introduction to Deals Advisory for Accountants
      • Introduction to Digital & Cyber-security for Accountants
    • Three COM 5300 (1 cr.) on different topics may satisfy a non-business or a free elective requirement.
  • An “S/U” grade (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Option) is only permitted for a non-business elective or free electives. See the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Option section for more information.  
  • A course that fulfills a major and co-major requirement can satisfy a maximum of two requirements - no triple dipping. For example, MGT 3170 cannot fulfill a Management major, a Business Analytics co-major, AND a Free Elective.


Students who declare Economics as a secondary major must complete all economics major courses to earn this major. Secondary economics major courses may fulfill the free elective requirements. 

Total Credits:


The above program requirements are applicable to students entering Summer 2024 and beyond. Please consult the appropriate archived catalog available on the homepage for years prior to these requirements. In order that programs offered by Villanova University reflect current advances and additions to knowledge and upgraded professional requirements, Villanova University reserves the right to change programs and requirements without prior notice. Students generally are bound to the requirements in effect and published online for the year in which their class begins its first year of study. Special requirements may be in effect for students who have left the University and are being readmitted. Students are advised to check with the web catalog or with their college offices regarding changes that may affect them. Additional academic information may be obtained from the various college offices and the web sites listed for the particular policies, programs and services found in this catalog. 




Bachelor of Business Administration

Curriculum Guide

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