Cultural Studies Major (GIS)

Chairperson: Chiji Akọma, Ph.D.
Office Location: 36 Garey Hall
Telephone: 610-519-6302


The Department of Global Interdisciplinary Studies (GIS) provides students with a tripartite of skills, knowledge, and values that foster critical thinking, problem solving, and preparation for responsible global citizenship. Students gain an understanding of global studies, acquiring the know-how in global and digital literacy, cultural diversity and intercultural competences, interdisciplinary research, and a passion for social justice, nurtured in experiential learning.

PRIMARY MAJOR (122 credits)

Required Major Courses (34 credits)

Cultural Studies is an interdisciplinary academic field that seeks to understand, critique, and transform cultural phenomena. It draws on a number of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences to scrutinize questions of identity, race, gender, class, and community as well as to examine how these areas manifest themselves in different cultural practices; also addressed is the meaning assigned to these variables. By examining the link between power and discourse, cultural studies deals with the representation of these identities, for representation is the vehicle through which knowledge of cultures is acquired. Cultural Studies is considered the next generation of area studies for those who – instead of focusing on a specific geographical area­-- wish to study the global cultural phenomena with a set of theoretical tools.­

Program Notes:

  • Students must take six courses with the CST attribute for a minimum of 18 credits. 
  • For GIS 5011, Team-taught Topics Student takes two different topics, the first of which counts as the Junior Research Seminar for the Major (6 credits).
  • Courses taken as part of a study abroad may be counted.
  • One internship course may be counted.


Sub-Total Credits

Core Curriculum Requirements (44 credits)

Mathematics or Statistics (1 course)  +
Natural Science (2 courses with laboratory)  +
Literature and Writing Seminar (1 course)  +
History (1 course)   +
Social Sciences (2 courses)  +
Fine Arts (1 course)  +
Upper-Level Theology (1 course)  +
Language Requirement  +
Diversity Requirement (2 courses)  +
Sub-Total Credits

Free Elective Requirement (44 credits)

Students with a Cultural Studies primary major have forty-four (44) required free elective credits. 

Degree Credit Summary

  • Major Credits: 34 credits
  • Core Credits: 44 credits
  • Free Electives Credits: 44 credits
  • Total Required Credits: 122 Credits

Note: The above credit totals are based on the minimum number of required credits in each degree area. The minimum number of required credits in each area listed above must be met. Credits taken beyond the required minimum for one area may not be applied to another area. 


Students who declare Cultural Studies as a secondary major must complete the Required Major Courses to achieve this major. Students are able to count any eligible course taken in their primary major, the core curriculum, minors, concentrations, or free electives toward these requirements. 

Total Credits:


The above program requirements are applicable to students entering Summer 2024 and beyond. Please consult the appropriate archived catalog available on the homepage for years prior to these requirements. In order that programs offered by Villanova University reflect current advances and additions to knowledge and upgraded professional requirements, Villanova University reserves the right to change programs and requirements without prior notice. Students generally are bound to the requirements in effect and published online for the year in which their class begins its first year of study. Special requirements may be in effect for students who have left the University and are being readmitted. Students are advised to check with the web catalog or with their college offices regarding changes that may affect them. Additional academic information may be obtained from the various college offices and the web sites listed for the particular policies, programs and services found in this catalog. 




Bachelor of Arts

Curriculum Guide

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