Graduation Requirements

The Dean determines a student’s eligibility for graduation. However, it is the student’s responsibility to meet the degree requirements as determined for the class in which they would normally graduate. All VSB students are required to officially declare their VSB majors, co-majors, minors, and concentrations by the end of the fall semester in their senior year. Any students who plan to graduate ahead must notify their advisor and fill out the appropriate form: VSB Intent to Graduate Early or Late Form.

The official graduation dates are:

  • September 1
  • December 31
  • May 31

To receive a Bachelor’s degree, VSB students must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Completion of all Liberal Arts & Sciences core curriculum, business core curriculum, course requirements for at least one VSB major, non-business elective, and free elective requirements with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 and a minimum technical GPA (TGPA) of 2.00. The total credit hours required to graduate is 125.
  • Once degree requirements are fulfilled as outlined above, the degree is conferred and the student graduates.
  • Students transferring into VSB from another university must attain a 2.0 or higher cumulative GPA and TGPA for all work attempted at Villanova University. For transfer students, at least 50 percent of the business core credit hours must be earned at Villanova University; no more than 22 credits will transfer to satisfy business core classes. Degree requirements for transfer students are determined at time of transfer.
  • The final 30 credit hours of a student’s academic program must be completed at Villanova (residen­cy requirement). With permission of the Associate Dean, a stu­dent may study abroad during the first semester of senior year.

Note:   Each year there are a small number of students who have not fulfilled all of the requirements for May graduation but who wish to participate in commencement exercises with their entering class. Students who have only three or fewer courses remaining to fulfill the requirements for graduation, or who can complete the degree requirements before the beginning of the next fall semester, may petition to participate in the graduation ceremony. However, the names of all such students throughout the University will not be included in the commencement program until the following May, after they have in fact been graduated. Students may participate in only one commencement ceremony.