LAW 6064 :
History&Analysis Equal Protect

Prerequisite: Constitutional Law II With the words ?no state shall ? deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws? the 39th Congress that drafted the Fourteenth Amendment forever changed the life trajectory of the newly manumitted and American society writ large. At first, the clause was interpreted narrowly, being of little benefit to minority populations. But in the later years of the interwar period, the Supreme Court began breathing new life into those words, interpreting the clause to provide a fuller guarantee of equality. But in recent decades, there has been much debate about the constitutionality of race conscious remedial policies. Also important is how equal protection has been employed by other groups, including women and gays and lesbians, to safeguard their rights. This course will feature an exploration of one of the most important clauses to the Constitution, plotting its evolution and taking note of its present in light of its inception. Potential topics may include, but are not limited to: original understanding of the equal protection clause, jury selection discrimination, segregation, the Intent Doctrine, affirmative action, gender and sexual orientation discrimination. Students will be graded on an original paper.


LAW 1002 :Y



Credits 2

Last Offered

Spring 2012