LAW 8003 :

Enrollment: Approval is required to enroll in this externship. Please erientiallearning/clinicsandexternships/externships.asp click here for more information. 3L students ONLY. PREREQUISITE: Environmental Law (7021) Students participating in this externship will serve as law clerks in the Region III office of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Philadelphia. The student-externs will be supervised by attorneys in the Region III office. Each extern will be required to spend 12 hours per week at the Region III office. Each extern will have the position of "law clerk". The duties of that position include legal research, participation in enforcement matters, and participation in negotiation and informal dispute resolution. In addition, each extern will be required to meet periodically with the law school supervisor and to submit a written report toward the end of the semester, to the supervisor in which the extern will describe and evaluate the externship experience. Grading will be on a pass/fail basis. The supervising attorneys will do student evaluations. The final grade will be the responsibility of the law school supervisor. GRADED PASS/FAIL


LAW 7021



Credits 3

Last Offered

Fall 2013, Spring 2011, Spring 2010, Summer 2009