LAW 8058 :
Externship:PA Health Law Proje

Enrollment: Approval is required to enroll in this externship. Please erientiallearning/clinicsandexternships/externships.asp click here for more information. The PA Health Law Project is a public interest organization that provides free direct assistance, information, and advocacy to lower-income individuals, persons with disabilities, and seniors who are having trouble accessing healthcare coverage (eligibility) or services through the publicly funded healthcare programs in Pennsylvania. An extern would participate in providing all three prongs of assistance, information, and advocacy. With regard to direct assistance, the extern would take at least one 4 hour shift per week on our statewide toll-free helpline. He/She would be highly supervised and would develop and hone client interviewing skills so as to identify the caller's problem. He/She would learn the ins and outs of the state and federal programs as he/she works with the on-site attorney to identify and implement the solution to the caller's problem which could involve anything from sending information, making calls to state or federal agencies (or their contractors), or helping file appeals. He/She would be able to assist in preparation for and representation on an administrative hearing, thus experiencing a hearing. With regard to information, the extern will be asked to research and develop content for at least one consumer education brochure to be published on our website. As time permits, he/she might also be asked to draft content for one of two bi-monthly newsletters or to assist in developing content for consumer or advocate training presentations. With regard to advocacy, the extern would be invited to attend and observe work at at least two meetings with regulators or lawmakers in Philadelphia or Harrisburg. Depending on the issues occurring for clients, he/she might also be able to work on research to support policy advocacy. GRADED PASS/FAIL



Credits 3

Last Offered

Spring 2012, Fall 2011, Spring 2011, Spring 2010