Theology and Religious Studies Major

Chairperson: Kevin Hughes, Ph.D.
Program Director: Brett Grainger, Ph.D.
Office Location: 203 Saint Augustine Center
Telephone: 610-519-4730


Theological and religious studies as conceived, studied, and advanced at Villanova are interdisciplinary and integrative. Students pursue their objectives from diverse theological and religious perspectives, place them in dialogue with each other, and integrate religious and theological knowledge with experience and other forms of knowing.

Our programs explore the intersections of Catholic theology, religion, and cultures(s) and prepare students for graduate studies and for careers in humanitarian, philanthropic or other non-profit, charitable organizations; and in religious organizations as campus, youth or parish minister, educator, catechist, retreat worker, administrator, counselor, spiritual director or in one of the many other positions such organizations offer. 

PRIMARY MAJOR (122 credits)

Required Major Credits (30 credits)

The primary major emphasizes a broad understanding of Christian and non-Christian theological and religious traditions. It is a stand-alone program, and students may take it in conjunction with another major (i.e., the traditional “double” major).

Program Notes:

  • Total number of elective courses from outside the TRS Department (including courses taken overseas) must not exceed nine credit hours.
  • Theology majors are required to select a concentration that will give shape and focus to the major.
  • Students must also take 1 Portfolio Course: THL 6600 (0 cr).
Theology Major Seminars  +
Theology Tracks for Primary Major  +
THL Elective  +
Sub-Total Credits

Core Curriculum Requirements (38 credits)

Theology and Religious Studies Primary Majors meet the following core requirements in the major and therefore are omitted from the summary below: 

  • Core Theology - THL 1000 (3 cr)
  • Upper-Level Theology (3 cr)
Mathematics or Statistics (1 course)  +
Natural Science (2 courses with laboratory)  +
Literature and Writing Seminar (1 course)  +
History (1 course)   +
Social Sciences (2 courses)  +
Fine Arts (1 course)  +
Language Requirement  +
Diversity Requirement (2 courses)  +
Sub-Total Credits

Free Elective Requirement (54 credits)

Students with a Theology and Religious Studies primary major have fifty-four (54) required free elective credits. 

Degree Credit Summary

  • Major Credits: 30 credits
  • Core Credits: 38 credits
  • Free Electives Credits: 54 credits
  • Total Required Credits: 122 Credits

Note: The above credit totals are based on the minimum number of required credits in each degree area. The minimum number of required credits in each area listed above must be met. Credits taken beyond the required minimum for one area may not be applied to another area. 

SECONDARY MAJOR (24 credits)

The secondary major highlights the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary nature of theological inquiry and of the study of religion. It must be taken in conjunction with another major and completed concurrently with it.

Program Notes:

  • Total number of elective courses from outside the TRS Department (including courses taken overseas) must not exceed six credit hours.
  • Theology majors are required to select a concentration that will give shape and focus to the major.
  • Students must also take 1 Portfolio Course: THL 6600 (0 cr).
Theology Major Seminar  +
Theology Tracks for Secondary Major  +
THL Elective  +
Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits:


The above program requirements are applicable to students entering Summer 2024 and beyond. Please consult the appropriate archived catalog available on the homepage for years prior to these requirements. In order that programs offered by Villanova University reflect current advances and additions to knowledge and upgraded professional requirements, Villanova University reserves the right to change programs and requirements without prior notice. Students generally are bound to the requirements in effect and published online for the year in which their class begins its first year of study. Special requirements may be in effect for students who have left the University and are being readmitted. Students are advised to check with the web catalog or with their college offices regarding changes that may affect them. Additional academic information may be obtained from the various college offices and the web sites listed for the particular policies, programs and services found in this catalog. 




Bachelor of Arts

Curriculum Guide

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