Learning Support Services (LSS) offers students a variety of academic support services that are designed to help all Villanova students maximize their academic success. These services include one on one weekly academic coaching sessions, study skills consultation, and accommodation support for students with disabilities. Online resources including a series of study skills workshops are available from our website at: https://www1.villanova.edu/villanova/provost/learningsupport/
Additionally, LSS is committed to providing “reasonable academic accommodations” for students with learning disabilities, ADHD, students on the Autism spectrum, and students with mental health conditions and chronic health conditions that rise to the level of disability. Villanova students may request support services in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Our goal is to ensure that students with disabilities have an opportunity to grow independently to their full potential at Villanova.
To receive academic accommodations, students need to register with LSS by first completing the Online Intake Form through Clockwork, our secure data management system. To access Clockwork, students select the Clockwork for Students login on the Villanova University LSS website https://www1.villanova.edu/villanova/provost/learningsupport.html or myNOVA. Once on the Clockwork homepage, select the Online in take form. Students can then log in with their Villanova username and password to access and complete the form. Documentation supporting the need for accommodations can be loaded directly to Clockwork. Reasonable academic accommodations are based on the assessment of the current impact of the disability on academic performance; therefore, it is in the student’s best interest to provide current and complete documentation. Given the specific nature of the disability, “reasonable academic accommodations” will be determined on an individual basis. Once approved for accommodations, the student can go into Clockwork each term to request accommodations for specific classes.
The Office of Learning Support Services is in 212 Falvey Library. For additional information about our services, contact 610-519-5176 or email learning.support.services@villanova.edu