LAW 8041 :
Externship:Chester Co D.A.

Enrollment: Approval is required to enroll in this externship. Please erientiallearning/clinicsandexternships/externships.asp click here for more information. PREREQUISITE: Evidence (7024) PRE/COREQUISITE: Trial Advocacy (7050) or (7128) Intensive Trial Advocacy 3Ls only in the fall; 2Ls and 3Ls in the spring Student Certification Required http://www.pabare tion.htm click here. Students must have completed three semesters of law school to be eligible for this externship. Priority for this externship is given to third year students who worked at the Chester County District Attorney's Office during the summer after their second year of law school and who have committed to work at the Chester County District Attorney's Office throughout their third year of law school. Students who have not previously worked at the Chester County District Attorney's Office may be eligible for the externship if interviewed and approved by the Chester County District Attorney's Office. Regardless of how many semesters a student may work/volunteer at the Chester County District Attorney's Office or any other District Attorney's Office, that student may only participate in a District Attorney's Externship (and receive Law School credit) for one semester. Students may not handle cases in court until they have obtained a student practice certification from the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Participating students will serve as externs in the Chester County District Attorney's Office. Student typically represent the Commonwealth in preliminary hearings, although students might handle other types of hearings as well. Each extern is required to spend at least twelve (12) hours per week working at the District Attorney's Office. This time includes any extern training required by the Chester County District Attorney's Office. In addition, each extern must maintain a journal of his/her experiences and meet every other week with the Law School faculty supervisor. The supervising attorney at the District Attorney's Office will evaluate each extern. However, each extern's final grade will be determined by the Law School faculty supervisor. GRADED PASS/FAIL


LAW 7024 and (LAW 7050 :Y or LAW 7128 :Y)



Credits 3

Last Offered

Fall 2013, Spring 2013, Spring 2012, Fall 2011