Chemical Engineering, B.S.

Chemical and Biological Engineering Chair: Christopher Kitchens, Ph.D
Office: 236B Drosdick Hall
Telephone: 610-519-5498


  • Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Honors.

The chemical engineer typically uses the principles of mathematics, chemistry, biology, physics and engineering sciences to creatively solve technical and commercial problems arising in the design and operation of industrial scale processes. These solutions must respond to economic constraints and address social, ethical, environmental and safety implications. Industrial scale processes can include fuels, bulk chemicals, polymers, foods and pharmaceuticals (including protein, gene and cell-based therapies). Graduates are prepared to think critically and apply their skills in chemical and biological engineering to fields such as sustainability, entrepreneurship, manufacturing, research and development, finance, management and patent law.

Mission Statement

The Chemical and Biological Engineering Department is committed to providing undergraduate and graduate students innovative and effective educational experiences that will prepare them for the technological, professional, and societal challenges of their careers. Through research that advances engineering and scientific knowledge, the department inspires students and brings value to the university and broader community.

Program Educational Objectives

Consistent with the University’s Augustinian Mission that values broadly-educated, and well-rounded individuals, graduates of the Chemical Engineering Program are able to pursue the following career objectives:

  • Conduct themselves in a manner that recognizes their professional responsibilities to society in areas such as sustainability, safety, ethics, and environmental protection.
  • Apply the underlying scientific principles and technical capabilities needed to succeed in both the traditional and emerging fields of the chemical engineering profession.
  • Continue to learn and grow by leveraging professional opportunities that facilitate the effective practice of their chosen profession.

Curricular Philosophy

The early years of the chemical engineering curriculum includes a strong humanities component while emphasizing the basic principles of natural and engineering sciences. Later courses relate these skills to chemical engineering applications including the solution of open-ended problems constrained by requirements such as economics, safety, and sustainability. Courses develop students’ abilities with the complexity of design experiences systematically increasing throughout the courses in chemical and biological engineering; culminating in the senior process design and process controls courses.

The curriculum includes several engineering, science, and humanities/social science electives, providing flexibility for a student to pursue individual educational and career goals. Chemical and biological engineering electives include opportunities for specialization in traditional and emerging fields of chemical engineering as well as biochemical and biological engineering. Seniors may conduct research for academic credit or complete a six-month co-op. Students develop their academic plan with guidance from a faculty member designated as the student’s academic advisor.

Second Semester

Elective - Humanities/Social Sci  +
Sub-Total Credits

Junior Year

First Semester

Elective - CBE  +
Elective - Science  +
Elective - Humanities/Social Sci  +
Sub-Total Credits

Second Semester

Elective - CBE  +
Sub-Total Credits

Senior Year

First Semester

Elective - CBE  +
Elective - CBE  +
Elective - Science  +
Sub-Total Credits

Second Semester

Elective - THL (2000 or above)  +
Elective - THL/PHI  +
Elective - CBE  +
Elective - Free  +
Sub-Total Credits

Academic Requirements

Students must earn a minimum grade of C- in all required CHE (Chemical Engineering) courses to satisfy the degree requirements. 

These courses include the following:  

CHE 1102 Material Balances  

CHE 2101 Thermodynamics 1

CHE 2102 Thermodynamics 2    

CHE 2201 Fluid Dynamics  

CHE 2202 Heat Transfer 

CHE 2301 ChE Computational Methods  

CHE 2402 Technical Communications  

CHE 3201 Mass Transfer  

CHE 3202 Reactor Design  

CHE 3301 ChE Applied Mathematics  

CHE 3401 Unit Operations Lab 1  

CHE 3402 CHE Unit Operations Lab 2 

CHE 4201 Process Design  

CHE 4202 Process Controls  

A student earning a grade of D+, D, or D- in a required CHE course must retake that course and earn a minimum grade of C- to satisfy the degree requirement.   

If an approved equivalent course is taken at another institution, a minimum grade of C is required to transfer the credits to Villanova. Students requesting to take a course elsewhere should complete the appropriate form which can be found on the Current Engineering Undergraduate Students Intranet site.

A student earning a grade of F in a required CHE course that is a prerequisite for a subsequent required CHE course may not enroll in the subsequent course until the prerequisite requirement is satisfied.  

For CBE Elective courses or courses offered by other departments, a minimum passing grade of D- is sufficient for the course to satisfy a degree requirement.  

Total Credits:


The above program requirements are applicable to students entering Summer 2024 and beyond. Please consult the appropriate archived catalog available on the homepage for years prior to these requirements. In order that programs offered by Villanova University reflect current advances and additions to knowledge and upgraded professional requirements, Villanova University reserves the right to change programs and requirements without prior notice. Students generally are bound to the requirements in effect and published online for the year in which their class begins its first year of study. Special requirements may be in effect for students who have left the University and are being readmitted. Students are advised to check with the web catalog or with their college offices regarding changes that may affect them. Additional academic information may be obtained from the various college offices and the web sites listed for the particular policies, programs and services found in this catalog. 




Bachelor of Science

Curriculum Guide

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